Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year ...

Well, here it is ... my first blog on the first day of the new decade! I wish I could share some crazy party stories from last night, but fact is - I was asleep at 10pm. Stop laughing. We had some friends over (Colin, Kelsey and baby Aberly) for pizza, games and the Midnight countdown (in New York). Soon after the ball dropped, so did my head ... on my pillow in bed. So, it's January 1, 2010 and for the first time in a long time, I didn't make a resolution. Instead, I have set 2 goals for myself (we'll see if switching resolution with goal will make a difference in my attaining success).
  1. Exercise. I always top my list with this one ... why stop now?
  2. Find My Mom. In 29 years, I've never had a burning desire to find my birth mother. While I know about her, I have always considered my Mom my Mom. Anyway, I am going to start searching for Kimiko Kojo this year. I don't know where or how long this endeavor will take me, but I'm making a commitment to try and find her. I should mention I have my parents full support on this ... I wouldn't do it without.